Researchers identify peptides for pollen tube growth in rice

Double fertilization is a complex mechanism in flowering plants, wherein two sperm cells fuse with the embryo sac. To achieve this, pollens released from anthers must interact with the plant's stigma, hydrate, and germinate ...

Bioenergetics of rapid pollen tube growth

Sexual reproduction of plants requires pollen to land on the stigma, which then germinates and grows pollen tubes through the style to deliver sperm cells to the ovule. Pollen tubes are the fastest-growing plant cells known. ...

Researchers explore pollen fertilization mechanisms

A group of researchers from four countries has worked out exactly how a pollen tube, the plant cell that emerges from a grain of pollen, grows up to a thousand-fold to reach an ovule deep inside the flower. The key to this ...

Sex in plants requires thrust

In a paper to be published in the September 2018 issue of TECHNOLOGY, the thrust produced by the microscopic organ delivering sperm cells in plants has now been measured using microfluidic technology. A team of nano and microsystems ...

Hydrogen peroxide assists sexual reproduction in spruce

Plant physiologists from MSU have proved for the first time that dangerous reactive oxygen species that are often considered by-products of energy generation in cells are required by conifers to fertilize egg cells. Experiments ...

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