Can walkies tell who's the leader of the pack?

Dogs' paths during group walks could be used to determine leadership roles and through that their social ranks and personality traits, say researchers from Oxford University, Eötvös University, Budapest and the Hungarian ...

New breed of satellites

( —These pictures give the first detailed views of the next batch of Galileo satellites, the first of which has already been delivered to ESA for rigorous testing in simulated space conditions.

A robot that runs like a cat (w/ Video)

Thanks to its legs, whose design faithfully reproduces feline morphology, EPFL's 4-legged 'cheetah-cub robot' has the same advantages as its model: It is small, light and fast.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft will help in fight against bushfires

With much of Australia looking like reverting to a dry bushfire-prone weather pattern avionics engineers at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) are pulling out all stops to develop the technology to enable remotely ...

Swarming drones could save lives at sea

( -- Inspired by the swarming patterns of animals in nature, a UNSW aerospace engineering PhD student is using biomimicry to improve the marine search and rescue capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

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