Microhotplates for a smart gas sensor

Gas sensors used for leakage alerts and air quality monitoring are essential in our daily lives. Towards a ubiquitous society, smart gas sensors, which perform signal processing and communication besides sensing, have attracted ...

China tightens smog data controls amid public anger

China has established a single network to monitor air pollution levels across the country, as the government attempts to control the spread of information about the country's toxic smog in response to rising public anger.

Air quality sensors track pollution

Glimpses of blue sky are becoming a rare sight in Delhi, India's capital, particularly in wintertime, when a thick white haze smothers the city. David Hagan, an MIT PhD candidate studying atmospheric chemistry and a Fellow ...

Delhi outlines traffic ban plan to curb pollution

Delhi Tuesday outlined its plans to restrict the number of vehicles on its roads at the beginning of January, as the world's most polluted capital attempts to clean up its toxic air.

Meeting the data challenges of urban computing

Many people living in the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong have a new habit: they check the air pollution index before venturing outside. Air quality has deteriorated rapidly in China, with nitrogen dioxide and particulate ...

A new way to track and combat air pollution in Salt Lake City

For the first time, sources of carbon dioxide in Salt Lake County can be accurately estimated at the level of individual buildings and roads and by hour of the day. Building on this capability, emissions of toxic air pollutants ...

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