Short-term debt and depressive symptoms may go hand-in-hand

Results to be published in the Journal of Family and Economic Issues suggest that having short-term household debt—credit cards and overdue bills—increases depressive symptoms. The association is particularly strong among ...

Will you ever pay off your student loan?

Would-be participants of higher education must be given full and transparent advice before they accumulate debts as students that follow them into the workplace, according to a report published in the International Journal ...

Study reveals why working poor think they are 'middle class'

The College of Human Ecology's Laura Tach and her co-authors must have trustworthy faces. Working-poor recipients of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in Boston divulged things they'd never tell the Internal Revenue Service ...

Eating or spending too much? Blame it on Facebook

Participating in online social networks can have a detrimental effect on consumer well-being by lowering self-control among certain users, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.

College students and credit card debt—parents at fault?

Parents need to be good role models to help their children make sensible financial decisions, according to Adam Hancock and his team, from East Carolina University in the US. Their work highlights that parents who argue about ...

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