Inbred organisms are more likely to develop tumours

Inbreeding could lead to increased rates of cancer, putting both humans and endangered animals at risk according to a review led by researchers at Deakin University's Centre for Integrative Ecology.

XX protection against age-related mutations

Researchers at the University of Valencia's Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology have put the 'unguarded X hypothesis' to the test and confirmed that differences in lifespan between the sexes, a widespread ...

Using genomics to save endangered species

Currently, many threatened and endangered species are present in captivity. Their management is mostly focused on keeping the population viable (both demographically and genetically) and as similar to the wild ancestor populations ...

How serious is inbreeding in show dogs?

A German shepherd with a sloping back that was awarded best of breed brought the dog show Crufts in for this year's annual bout of criticism. Viewers took to social media to accuse the owner of animal cruelty by suggesting ...

Wild mongooses avoid inbreeding with unusual reproductive strategy

Researchers studying banded mongooses in Uganda have discovered that these small mammals are able to discriminate between relatives and non-relatives to avoid inbreeding even when mating within their own closely related social ...

Males produce faster sperm for sisters

( —Mating with relatives, or inbreeding, can be costly to both sexes, and in many species males and females avoid mating with siblings.  However, the latest research adds a twist to this story by showing that ...

Species conservation poised to benefit from DNA advances

A biologist at the University of York is part of an international team which has shown that advanced DNA sequencing technologies can be used to accurately measure the levels of inbreeding in wild animal populations.

Immune system study could help conserve endangered species

( —A study by University of Georgia ecologists has found that diversity in mammal immune system genes may have more to do with the opportunity to choose a mate than with exposure to parasites.

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