Venezuela's digital coin makes debut

Venezuela on Tuesday was set to become the first country to launch its own version of bitcoin, a move it hopes will provide a much-needed boost to its credit-stricken economy.

A new species of tapaculo in South America

From museum drawers to the new species list: tapaculos add to the biodiversity of the New World tropics! After being misidentified and sitting in a museum drawer for more than seventy years, a group of bird specimens collected ...

New dinosaur species unearthed in Venezuela

( —A team of paleontologists with members from Brazil, Venezuela, the U.S. and Germany has found fossil evidence of a previously unknown dinosaur in Venezuela. In their paper published in the journal Royal Society ...

Early dino was turkey-sized, social plant-eater

The forerunner of dinosaurs like three-horned Triceratops was a bird-hipped creature the size of a turkey that lived in herds in South America and liked to munch on ferns, scientists said Wednesday.

Twitter says images blocked in Venezuela

Twitter said Friday that Venezuela was apparently blocking pictures from being shared in tweets as people took to streets to protest inflation and shortages amid sometimes violent unrest.

Violence-torn Venezuela creates phone 'panic button'

A free app for certain smartphones that works as a "panic button" in emergencies has launched in Venezuela, one of the world's most violent countries, a lawmaker said Saturday.

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